Start the Arm

  1. Set up the arm
    1. (Teach Pendant) Turn on the robot, get into _manual_ mode, then load the “EXTERNAL_CONTROL.urp” program.

    2. (Teach Pendant) Load the desired installation (Load >> Installation)

    3. (Teach Pendant) Start the robot (tap the small red dot on the bottom left corner)

  2. Bringup the arm (ROS)
    1. (Host Computer) In a new terminal:
      • If your arm is calibrated (for example, as in this package ): roslaunch ur_user_calibration bringup_armando.launch

      • If your arm is not calibrated, use the standard bringup command : roslaunch ur_robot_driver <robot_type>_bringup.launch robot_ip:=<robot_ip>

    2. (Teach Pendant) Move the arm around manually to set things up.

    3. (Teach Pendant) Once you are ready to test, run the “EXTERNAL_CONTROL.urp” program. (press “play” in the bottom bar)